Sunday, February 11, 2018



1. Principal as Educator

a. Guiding teachers in terms of developing and implementing teaching programs, evaluating learning outcomes and implementing teaching and remedial programs.

b. Guiding employees in terms of arranging work programs and performing daily tasks.
c. Guiding students in extra-curricular activities, OSIS and following out-of-school competition.
d. Developing staff through education / training, through meetings, seminars and discussions, providing reading materials, taking note of promotions, proposing promotions through selection of future Principals.
e. Following the development of science and technology through education / training, meetings, seminars, discussions and materials.

2. Principal as Manager (Manager)

a. Managing the administration of learning activities and counseling guidance by having complete data administration teaching and learning activities and completeness of counseling guidance administration.

b. Managing student administration by having complete student administration data and extra curricular activities.
c. Manage the administration of personnel by having administrative data of teachers and Administration.
d. Manage financial administration Routine, BOS, and Committee.
e. Managing the administration of facilities / infrastructure either building administration / space, furniture, laboratory equipment, library.

3. Principal as Administrative Manager (Administrator)

a. Develop work programs, both short term, medium and long term.

b. Arrange the organization of school work both Wakasek, Principal Assistant, Walikelas, Kasubag Administration, Treasurer, and Supporting Personnel such as library builder, scout, OSIS, Sports. Personnel of temporary activities, such as Examination Committee, commemorative commemorative national or religious commemoration and so on.
c. Mobilize staff / teachers / employees by providing direction and coordinating the implementation of tasks.
d. Optimizing human resources optimally, utilizing facilities / infrastructure optimally and maintaining school infrastructure.

4. Principal as Supervisor (Supervisor)

a. Developing classroom supervision, monitoring and evaluation programs.

b. Implement supervision program.
c. Utilize the results of supervision to improve the performance of teachers / employees and for school development.

5. Principal as Leader (Leader)

a. Having a strong, honest, confident, responsible, brave and risky personality.

b. Understand the condition of teachers, employees and students.
c. Have a vision and understand the mission of the school carried.
d. Able to take decisions both internal and external affairs.
e. Able to communicate well orally or in writing.

6. Principal as a reformer (Innovator)

a. Be able to search, find and adopt new ideas from others.

b. Able to update in teaching and learning activities and guidance counseling, procurement and guidance of teachers and employees, extra curricular activities and able to update in digging human resources in the Committee and the community.

7. Principal as a Driver (Motivator)

a. Able to set up work environment.

b. Able to manage the implementation of an adequate working atmosphere.
c. Able to apply the principles of rewarding and punishment sanctions in accordance with applicable rules.



Assist and be responsible to the Principal in:

1. Arranging planning, making program activities and implementation programs

2. Organizing
3. Briefing
4. Energy
5. Coordination
6. Supervision
7. Assessment
8. Identification and data collection
9. Representing Headmaster for attending meetings especially related to education issues
10. Make a report periodically



Assist and be responsible to the Principal in:

1. Develop a teaching program

2. Prepare and describe the educational calendar
3. Prepare the division of teacher tasks and lesson schedules
4. Develop a schedule of evaluation of learning and the implementation of the final exam
5. Apply the criteria for class increase and graduate requirements
6. Schedule acceptance report cards and STTB
7. Coordinate, arrange and direct the preparation of the completeness of teaching
8. Organize the implementation of improvement programs and enrichment
9. Set up the MGMP / MGBP development and subject coordinator
10. Conducting supervision of academic administration
11. Do archiving curriculum programs
12. Preparation of reports on a regular basis

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